Know yourself and become who you are

We help scholars, students and adults become who they could be.
Based on the insights from a psychological study, we advise on important life decisions. Since our founding in 1975, we have supported more than 10,000 people in making choices regarding their studies, professions and careers.

Personal approach

Direct advice

Scientifically based

Comprehensive reporting

Our investigations

Profile choice research

For Havo, VWO and Gymnasium students, who have to choose a (final) profile in the third, or fourth school year.

Profile choice research

See research

Study choice research

For VMBO-T, HAVO, VWO and Gymnasium students, who in the (pre)final school year have to make a choice for a continuation study.

Study choice research

See research


For students in Higher Vocational and Scientific Education, who are reconsidering the appropriateness of their study choice, or are in danger of getting stuck in their studies.

Student Research

See research

Master's Choice Research

For students, who during their studies, or after completing their bachelor's, are orienting to a master's degree.

Master's Choice Research

See research


For adults with completed studies and some years of work experience, who need to make choices relative to their careers.


See research


For clients, who for example as a result of an examination need to delve into some behavioral aspects and people, who in their functioning are confronted with (all kinds of) problems.


See research

Why ter Haar & Lamme for study and career choices?

Among other things, we work on the basis of the following principles (the Law of 6):

A course of study must have content of interest to a student.

A study must offer favorable employment prospects.

A study should be feasible.

In addition to brainpower, a person must have self-directed work ability .

A person must be able to flourish in an environment based on qualities.

We support people to develop their potential and become the best version of themselves